Proposing Change

Proposing Change

Over the past few weeks my group and I have identified a topic, retrieved, and reviewed relevant peer-reviewed literature, and drafted and revised our project proposal. Our project proposal is on the “Effectiveness of Proning Patients Who are Suspected to or Have COVID-19.” Throughout this time, I have analyzed different discoveries about my topic and most of the information I retrieved comes back to how impactful proning patients with COVID-19 is. Proning patients isn’t a simple turn them onto their stomach and wait, there is a lot of monitoring involved in the proning process. The patients tube placement, if they have one, needs to be monitored along with their oxygen saturation levels and their body placement. COVID-19 can cause certain secondary complications in the body like ARDS and proning can help treat ARDS in Covid patients. As I reflect on the information I retrieved and reviewed I think about how proning is effective for Covid patients and the complications that arise due to Covid, but it doesn’t ensure their condition won’t worsen and it isn’t guaranteed at preventing death.

My literature review didn’t change my assumption about my topic. I feel this way for many reasons. Mainly because proning does increase oxygenation in patients with Covid. I knew there were complications and that the process of proning wasn’t so simple, but I know there are positive outcomes when patients with Covid were proned. Our team did not need to revise the topic, but we did need to make some revisions to the proposal. Some of our revisions were focused on narrowing the focus of our aim and how we are implementing our plan. Other than that, and some minor fixes with grammar and our references our proposal came together well.

The findings from this proposal will impact my future nursing process. The benefits that proning patients with Covid are effective and they help to increase oxygen saturation. Even though complications can occur, and the patients need closer monitoring, what matters to me is the fact that proning can be effective in raising oxygen saturation. There were many successes that my team and I experienced. To name a few, we are all constantly communicating in the group chat and together at clinical, we are all responsive and on top of things, and we get things done ahead of time. We respect each other’s ways of thinking and worked together to make corrections where they were needed on the proposal. Our team process was organized from the start and immediately we all had a great form of communication. We were on top of our assignments and our great communication both in person and not in person allowed us to get our work done efficiently and in a timely manner. We haven’t had any issues with our team collaboration. We’re all passionate about our topic and feel great about our final project proposal.

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